Jun 25, 2021 | automotrices-vidéos 3D-anglais
This 3D video is showing us the important central role of the repartition box that ensures an sustained hydraulic flow according to the applications. Activation of the mill during silage unloading, starting up of the augers for mixing and driving modes. This...
Jun 15, 2021 | automotrices-vidéos 3D-anglais
The amplitude of the suspension has been oversized to absorb maximum stress linked to travelling. Front hydraulic suspension 15 cm articulation and rear mechanical suspension with parabolic leaves 7,5 cm articulation.
Jun 15, 2021 | automotrices-vidéos 3D-anglais
The shape of the mill, coil design and position of cutting sections have been studied for better unloading and to reduce the negative effects of recycling. The shape and angle of the coil means that the feed material is gathered, recentred and placed in the middle of...
Jun 15, 2021 | automotrices-vidéos 3D-anglais
The loading arm is curved at a height of 500 mm to make the flow of dense products easier. The exit of the conveyor is slightly off-centred on the right side to have an optimal filling up of the tank and ensure the homogeneity of the mix.
Jun 15, 2021 | automotrices-vidéos 3D-anglais
This auger has been designed to amplify the flourishing effect. As standard augers are fitted with 6 tungsten carbide reversible knives to guarantee an improved lifetime. To strengthen knives on the auger, a reinforcement in Creusabro absorbs shocks during bale...
Jun 15, 2021 | automotrices-vidéos 3D-anglais
To feed all different batches of animals regardless the configuration of the farm, the weather conditions and the status of the ground of the farmyard, the Autospire has a important ground clearance and can be fitted with 4 wheel-drive and 4 guiding wheels.
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